When shopping for a new floor scrubber you will want to know if the machine you are looking at is self propelled or not. These machines are called traction drive units. These machines will usually have drive wheels or tires that move the scrubber along for you so that you don't have to push the machine. Traction drive scrubbers will have have a speed control function that will allow you to adjust the speed at which you are moving. You may want to go really slow in some areas and speed it up in other areas.
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You may not be sure if you need brushes or pad drivers on you scrubber. And you may not even know what a pad driver is. Lets start with the brush. Brushes come in a variety of different grits and materials
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When shopping for a floor scrubber you may be trying to decide if you need a rider or walk behind scrubber. Here are some things to consider. First of all what is your space like? Is it wide open floor or does it have a lot of things to maneuver around?
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With flu season beginning, thoughts of being more diligent in sickness prevention begin to rise. We use antibacterial wipes, we wash our hands more frequently, we keep that bottle of pure-ell close at hand, we carry a mop and bleach for the places we must walk .... wait, what?
Of course we all don’t carry our own mop and bucket to pave our way. Maybe that’s because we don’t realize how dirty those surfaces can be. Floors can be a safe haven for germs, deadly germs
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