Dry, safe floors. One of the best reasons to use a floor scrubber, is that floors are drier. Using a mop allows floors to stay wet for a time, causing a safety danger. Slip-and-fall lawsuits cost companies millions of dollars each year. Floor scrubbers completely suck up all the dirty water and helps prevent this.
Efficiency. Floor scrubbers are more efficient and faster. In fact, cleaning times are cut by at least 50 percent. More time can be devoted to other pressing matters by you or your employees without skimping on the cleanliness of your business.
Happy, productive employees. No matter how quickly anyone cleans, employees just aren't as fast with a mop and bucket. More time is spent emptying dirty water and wringing out filthy mops that could be used giving a deeper cleaning in other areas of a business. And let's face it, employees are a lot happier running a machine than swinging a mop.
So your Clarke Boost making loud, rattling or chattering noises? When properly working it should not make much noise at all. But after many hours of use (and maybe abuse) there are parts that will wear and need to be replaced. In this article we will go over how to take apart the Clarke Boost L20 Head Assembly and find out what needs replaced.
First remove the brush deck from the machine. Instructions on doing that can be found