Brush up - Proper Care and Cleaning of Pads/Brushes

Brush up - Proper Care and Cleaning of Pads/Brushes

No scrubber brush or pad will last forever. If the machine is being used, that is. But the life of each can be extended with a few maintenance tips.

Both pads and brushes should be cleaned before the next use as the debris, finish, and stripper from any floor gets up inside the pad or the brush. Pads are meant to be flipped (used on both sides), but still have a limited life span. This is based on lots of conditions such as the dirtiness of the floor, how often it’s cleaned, how solid the finish is, and how fast the operator runs the machine. However, the best way to tell is when the pad loses its effectiveness in cleaning (more passes required to clean). Normally, when it has lost about 50 percent of its weight and thickness, it needs to be replaced.
Pads need to be cleaned in specific ways based on use. Soaking them in cleaning or stripping solution is not recommended as it will break them down. Simply use hot water and a garden nozzle to remove soils and finish from building up on the pad. Rinse it, brush it and hang it to dry after each use. (If you are using a natural fiber pad, don’t rinse it. Just brush it and hang it up for the next use. Do this before finish or soil dries on the pad. If this can’t be done immediately, place dirty pads in a plastic liner bag so they remain moist until cleaning can occur. And don’t leave the pad on with the machine’s full weight on it. Try to keep from scrubbing the pad edges against shelving and from driving over sharp items as this can rip a pad very quickly.
A pad can be thrown away after both sides are used.
A brush is a larger investment so much care should be taken to extend its life. Rotating them on a weekly basis goes a long way toward getting the most out of them. This also ensures that the brushes are effectively scrubbing. If brush rotation doesn’t occur, the bristles will begin to wear more on one side allowing the bristles to start to bend in the opposite direction that the brush spins. This causes a major, if not total, loss of brush power. Proper cleaning of brushes is much like pads. Clean them well after each use while still moist. If debris and floor finish is allowed to dry on the bristles, this will hinder the integrity of the brush and shorten the term of use. Clean them with hot water and a powerful garden nozzle and then lay them or hang them to dry.
When the bristles fray and there is debris packed into them, or the bristles are just too short. it is time to replace.
These tips will allow a longer use of pads and brushes. But they will eventually need replacement. Contact us for guidance on which new set of pads or brushes your company needs: 501-844-1811.

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